Understanding Tensor Dimensions: A Comprehensive Guide for Deep Learning Practitioners

Hussain Wali
3 min readApr 17, 2023
Photo by Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash

Tensors are the fundamental data structure used in deep learning and machine learning algorithms. They are multi-dimensional arrays that can store and manipulate data efficiently. The concept of dimensions in tensors is essential to understand the structure and properties of tensors. In this article, we will discuss the dimensions in tensors, including real-world analogies. We will explain each point and provide examples, including code examples using PyTorch.

Definition of Dimensions in Tensors:

A dimension in tensors is a particular axis or direction in which the data is arranged. Each dimension represents a specific mode of variation or type of information that the tensor contains. The number of dimensions in a tensor is known as its rank. A scalar is a tensor with zero dimensions, a vector is a tensor with one dimension, and a matrix is a tensor with two dimensions.

To understand the dimensions in tensors, let’s consider an example of a black and white image. The image can be represented as a matrix where each pixel value is a scalar. The matrix has two dimensions — height and width. The height dimension represents the number of rows in the matrix, and the width dimension represents the number of columns in the matrix. In this case, the rank of the tensor is 2.

Another example is a color image, which can be represented as a tensor with three dimensions — height, width, and channels. The height and width dimensions represent the same as in the black and white image, while the third dimension represents the color channels — red, green, and blue. In this case, the rank of the tensor is 3.

Representing Data with Tensors:

Tensors are a convenient way to represent data in deep learning and machine learning algorithms. They are used to store and manipulate data of different types, including images, audio, text, and other forms of structured or unstructured data. Each dimension in the tensor represents a particular aspect of the data.

For example, a tensor representing a set of images can have four dimensions — batch size, height, width, and channels. The batch size dimension represents the number of images in the batch, and the other dimensions represent the same as in the color image example.

Manipulating Tensors with Dimensions:

Tensors can be manipulated using various mathematical operations and transformations. The operations are performed on specific dimensions of the tensor, depending on the desired outcome. For example, we can apply a convolution operation on the channels dimension of an image tensor to extract features.

In PyTorch, we can manipulate tensors using built-in functions and methods. Let’s consider the following example:

import torch

# Create a tensor of size 3x4x5
x = torch.randn(3, 4, 5)
# Get the shape of the tensor
print(x.shape) # Output: torch.Size([3, 4, 5])
# Get the size of a specific dimension
print(x.size(1)) # Output: 4
# Reshape the tensor
y = x.view(3, 20)
print(y.shape) # Output: torch.Size([3, 20])
# Transpose the tensor
z = x.transpose(0, 2)
print(z.shape) # Output: torch.Size([5, 4, 3])

Here we create a tensor of size 3x4x5 and perform various operations on it. We get the shape of the tensor using the shape method and the size of a specific dimension using the size method. We also reshape the tensor using the view method and transpose it using the transpose method.


In conclusion, dimensions in tensors are an essential concept in deep learning and machine learning algorithms. Understanding the dimensions of tensors is crucial to working with them effectively. By understanding the structure and properties of tensors, we can manipulate and process data more efficiently and accurately.

In this article, we have discussed the definition of dimensions in tensors, real-world analogies to help understand the concept, and how to represent and manipulate data using tensors. We have also provided examples and code using PyTorch to illustrate these concepts.

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Hussain Wali

Software Engineer by profession. Data Scientist by heart. MS Data Science at National University of Science and Technology Islamabad.