Simplifying Multiclass Classification using PyTorch and FastText: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hussain Wali
4 min readMar 17, 2023

Are you looking to classify your data into multiple classes but not sure where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the process of implementing a multiclass classification model using PyTorch and FastText.

First, let’s start by understanding what multiclass classification is. In simple terms, multiclass classification is a type of machine learning problem where the task is to classify input data into multiple categories or classes. For example, classifying images of animals into different categories such as cats, dogs, and birds.

To start our implementation, we will first install the required libraries, namely PyTorch and FastText. You can install these libraries by running the following commands in your terminal:

pip install torch
pip install fasttext

Once we have installed the required libraries, let’s move on to the data loading process. For this example, let’s assume that our input data is in a file called ‘input_data.txt’. We can load this data into our program using the following code:

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('input_data.txt', sep='\t', header=None)

Next, we need to preprocess our data. Preprocessing involves converting our raw data into a format that can be easily understood by our machine learning model. In this example, we will be using FastText for preprocessing our data. We can preprocess our data using the following code:

import fasttext
model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('input_data.txt')

Once we have preprocessed our data, we can start building our neural network. For our multiclass classification model, we will be using a simple feedforward neural network with a single hidden layer. We can build our neural network using the following code:

Next, we need to define our loss function and optimizer. For this example, we will be using the cross-entropy loss function and the stochastic gradient descent optimizer. We can define our loss function and optimizer using the following code:

import torch.optim as optim
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)

Now, let’s move on to the training loop. The training loop involves iterating over our dataset, passing our input data through the neural network, calculating the loss, and updating the weights of our neural network. We can define our training loop using the following code:

for epoch in range(100):  
running_loss = 0.0
for i in range(len(data)):
inputs = torch.tensor(model[data.iloc[i][0]]).unsqueeze(0)
labels = torch.tensor(data.iloc[i][1])
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
running_loss += loss.item()
print('Epoch %d loss: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, running_loss / len(data)))

Finally, we can use our trained neural network to make predictions on new data. We can make predictions using the following code:

with torch.no_grad():
inputs = torch.tensor

Now, let’s move on to the inference part where we will use our trained neural network to make predictions on new data. We can make predictions using the following code:

with torch.no_grad():
inputs = torch.tensor(model['new input data']).unsqueeze(0)
outputs = net(inputs)
_, predicted = torch.max(, 1)
print('Predicted class:', predicted.item())

In this code, we pass our new input data to our FastText model to preprocess it and then pass it to our neural network to make predictions. We use the torch.max() function to find the index of the class with the highest probability and print the predicted class.

While the model we have built is functional, there are some issues that may make it unsuitable for use in a production environment. Here are some of the issues and recommendations to fix them:

  1. Lack of data preprocessing: In our model, we have only used FastText for preprocessing our data. However, in a real-world scenario, the input data may require more extensive preprocessing such as data cleaning, feature extraction, and normalization. It is important to ensure that the input data is properly preprocessed to improve the accuracy of the model.
  2. Overfitting: In our training loop, we have only used a simple feedforward neural network with a single hidden layer. While this may work well for small datasets, it may lead to overfitting when dealing with larger and more complex datasets. To address this issue, we can use techniques such as dropout, regularization, and early stopping.
  3. Limited model evaluation: In our model, we have only evaluated the accuracy of the model on the training data. However, it is important to evaluate the model’s performance on a separate validation or test dataset to ensure that the model is not overfitting and to get a better estimate of the model’s accuracy.
  4. Deployment and scalability: Finally, when deploying the model to a production environment, we need to ensure that the model is scalable and can handle a large volume of data in real-time. We may need to use techniques such as distributed training, model parallelism, and batch processing to ensure that the model is able to handle large datasets and high traffic.

To make the model production-ready, we can take the following recommendations:

  1. Use a more extensive data preprocessing pipeline that includes data cleaning, feature extraction, and normalization.
  2. Use a more complex neural network architecture such as convolutional neural networks or recurrent neural networks to address the issue of overfitting.
  3. Evaluate the model’s performance on a separate validation or test dataset to get a better estimate of the model’s accuracy.
  4. Use a containerization platform such as Docker to deploy the model to a production environment and ensure that the model is scalable and can handle a large volume of data in real-time.
  5. Use a logging and monitoring system to track the model’s performance and detect any issues or errors that may arise.

By following these recommendations, we can build a robust and scalable multiclass classification model that can be deployed to a production environment with high accuracy and reliability.

And that’s it! We have successfully built a multiclass classification model using PyTorch and FastText. With this model, we can classify our input data into multiple categories or classes with high accuracy.

We hope that you found this step-by-step guide useful and easy to follow. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Don’t forget to follow us for more exciting articles on machine learning and data science, and please clap if you found this article helpful!



Hussain Wali

Software Engineer by profession. Data Scientist by heart. MS Data Science at National University of Science and Technology Islamabad.