Machine Learning with Limited Data: A Deep Dive into Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning

Hussain Wali
4 min readApr 13, 2023

Machine learning has revolutionized the way we solve problems, from image recognition to natural language processing. However, in some cases, it may not be possible to gather labeled data for all possible classes or to have a large number of examples per class. This is where zero-shot learning and few-shot learning come into play. Zero-shot learning is a machine learning technique that allows models to recognize and classify objects it has never seen before, while few-shot learning is a technique that enables models to learn to recognize new classes with only a few examples. In this article, we will delve deeper into these two techniques, exploring how they work, where they are used, and their limitations. We will also discuss popular methods for implementing zero-shot learning and few-shot learning and the challenges associated with each technique. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of these two important machine learning techniques and their potential applications.

Zero-Shot Learning:

Have you ever wondered how a machine learning model can recognize objects it has never seen before? This is where zero-shot learning comes into play. Zero-shot learning is a machine learning technique where a model can recognize and classify objects it has never seen before.

How Does Zero-Shot Learning Work?

In zero-shot learning, the model is trained on a set of classes, but the model is evaluated on a different set of classes that were not used during training. The model leverages semantic relationships between classes to generalize to new classes. This means that the model learns how different classes are related to each other, allowing it to recognize new classes based on their similarity to known classes.

Where is Zero-Shot Learning Used?

Zero-shot learning is useful in situations where it is not feasible or practical to gather labeled data for all possible classes. For example, in image recognition, it may not be possible to gather labeled data for every possible object that the model may encounter.

Popular Methods for Zero-Shot Learning

Some popular methods for zero-shot learning include attribute-based methods, generative methods, and embedding-based methods. Attribute-based methods use a set of attributes to describe each class, allowing the model to recognize new classes based on their attribute similarities to known classes. Generative methods use a generative model to synthesize examples of new classes based on their semantic descriptions. Embedding-based methods learn a continuous representation of classes in a high-dimensional space, allowing the model to recognize new classes based on their proximity to known classes in this space.

Few-Shot Learning:

In some cases, it may be possible to gather labeled data for a set of classes, but there may be limited examples available for each class. This is where few-shot learning comes into play. Few-shot learning is a machine learning technique where a model is trained on a small number of examples per class.

How Does Few-Shot Learning Work?

Few-shot learning is a subset of the broader field of transfer learning, which aims to leverage knowledge learned from one task to improve performance on another task. In few-shot learning, the model is trained on a small number of examples per class, allowing it to learn to recognize new classes with only a few examples.

Where is Few-Shot Learning Used?

Few-shot learning is useful when there are limited labeled examples available for training, which is often the case in real-world applications. For example, in medical image analysis, there may be only a small number of labeled examples for a rare disease.

Popular Methods for Few-Shot Learning

Few-shot learning can be accomplished through methods such as meta-learning, model-agnostic meta-learning, and metric-based learning. Meta-learning involves training the model on a set of tasks, each with its own set of classes and a small number of examples per class. The model learns to learn new tasks by generalizing from its previous experiences. Model-agnostic meta-learning involves training a separate model to learn how to adapt the primary model to new tasks. Metric-based learning involves learning a distance metric between examples and using this metric to classify new examples based on their similarity to known examples.


In conclusion, both zero-shot learning and few-shot learning are useful machine learning techniques that allow models to recognize new classes with limited labeled data. Zero-shot learning leverages semantic relationships between classes to generalize to new classes, while few-shot learning leverages knowledge learned from a small number of examples to recognize new classes. Both techniques have a wide range of applications in fields such as image recognition, natural language processing, and medical image analysis. If you found this article helpful, please don’t hesitate to give it a clap!



Hussain Wali

Software Engineer by profession. Data Scientist by heart. MS Data Science at National University of Science and Technology Islamabad.